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Our Team


To prevent people from receiving unsafe care and prevent avoidable harm, we ensure that the staff have the qualifications, competence, experience and skills to keep people safe, by assessing the risks to people’s health and safety during all aspects of their care or treatment.

At Hartford Hey we have robust recruitment practices in place and pre-employment checks are completed prior to any member of staff working at the service. This helps us to ensure that the individuals who use our service can feel confident that they are protected from staff that are known to be unsuitable.

All of our staff undertake a comprehensive induction process and are allocated a mentor until deemed competent and confident. New staff members are currently working towards the new Care Certificate, mandatory and service specific training are updated on a regular basis. Continual professional development is encouraged for all staff members. Mandatory refresher training is ongoing alongside service specific training modules.

All of our current staff team have achieved NVQ’s and Diplomas relevant to their job role and positions.

We work in partnership with local authority and other health professionals to ensure that the care and treatment received by all of our residents remains safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led, in line with The Care Act 2014.

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